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Botsuana, conocida por su impresionante vida salvaje y paisajes diversos, ofrece una increíble variedad de atracciones turísticas. Uno de los destinos más populares es el Delta del Okavango, un oasis de vida silvestre donde los visitantes pueden disfrutar de safaris en mokoro para ver de cerca elefantes, hipopótamos y aves exóticas.

Otro lugar imperdible es el Parque Nacional Chobe, famoso por albergar la mayor concentración de elefantes en África. Los viajeros pueden realizar emocionantes safaris terrestres y acuáticos para observar a estos majestuosos animales en su hábitat natural.

Para los amantes de la arqueología, las Cuevas de Tsodilo son un tesoro oculto en medio del desierto del Kalahari. Estas cuevas albergan pinturas rupestres que datan de miles de años atrás, proporcionando una fascinante mirada a la historia de la humanidad en la región.

El Parque Nacional Makgadikgadi Pans es otro punto destacado, con sus vastas extensiones de salares y bosques de baobabs. Los visitantes pueden presenciar la migración de cebras y ñus, así como disfrutar de actividades como safaris en quad y encuentros con comunidades locales para experimentar la auténtica cultura de Botsuana.

Estas son solo algunas de las increíbles atracciones que ofrece Botsuana, un destino único que combina aventura, naturaleza y cultura en una experiencia inolvidable para todos los viajeros.

Moremi Game Reserve

The Moremi Game Reserve was named after Chief Moremi of the BaTawana Tribe, and covers roughly 40% of the eastern Okavango Delta. Due to the early protection of the land since 1963, the fauna and flora is relatively undisturbed. The park has a unique combination of scenery including open savannah, forests, floodplains and lagoons. Even though it is only roughly 5000 km² in size, it offers so...

Okavango Delta & Panhandle

The Okavango Delta in Botswana, is one of the major attractions of the country and has been added to many a person's Bucket List. It is one of the largest inland deltas in the world and receives approximately 11 cubic kilometres of water on an annual basis, arriving from the highlands of Angola. The water fans out in the shape of an open hand, and is slowed down by the Okavango Fault Lines, which ...

Chobe National Park

Chobe National park lies in northern Botswana, covering an area of roughly 10,700 km². The park was formed as a result of the ivory trade and in 1962, the first warden was appointed for it's protection. The park is said to have the highest concentration of African Elephant in Africa and is renowned for seeing large herds especially during the driest months of October/November.  The name C...

Linyanti, Selinda, Kwando and Chobe Enclave

​The area between the Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park, has been split into a number of smaller concessions, which run along the Caprivi strip with the Kwando and Linyanti river systems forming a natural border to Namibia. The Kwando river flows south from Angola, crossing into Namibia. Similar to the Okavango delta, it fans out, creating floodplains and natural waterways which form the Li...

Makgadikgadi, Nxai Pans & Kubu Island

The Kalahari Salt Pans are a collection of salt flats, which are what is left to see of the great Lake Makgadikgadi, which once covered an area of approximately 80,000 km². The flow into Lake Makgadikgadi was steadily cut off through seismic upheavals and deviation of rivers, causing it to dry an estimated 10,000 years ago. Today the salt pans are mostly identified by the two largest, n...

Central Kalahari Game Reserve

The Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR) is one of the largest game reserves in the world, covering an estimated 52,800 km² in surface area, which is roughly 1/11th of the entire country. It was established in 1961, with the original intention of being a sanctuary for the San culture, who called the Central Kalahari their home and consequently remained undeveloped and closed to the public for a...


Khwai is a village based on the north bank of the Khwai River, which forms a natural border to the Moremi Game Reserve. It is home to approximately 400 people who are in charge of running the Khwai Concession, also known as the Khwai Development Trust and is a great destination for watching wildlife. It offers a good variety of sightings, including predators such as lion, hyena and sometimes the A...

Savute Marsh (Western Chobe)

Another popular destination in Chobe National Park is Savute, also called Savuti, which is an approximate midpoint between Kasane and Maun and classed as the western region of Chobe National Park. The Savute Marsh is fed by the Savute Channel and attracts a large number of wildlife at certain times of the year, with some of the Zebra and Wildebeest migration passing through around April-May (this ...

Chief's Island

Chief's Island is located in the heart of the Okavango Delta and is the largest dry area within the Moremi Game Reserve. It was once the traditional hunting ground for Chief Moremi of the BaTawana tribe and covers an area of just under 1000km². Today it offers some of the most exclusive wildlife watching experiences and considered the place to be if your budget allows. It is not unheard of t...

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